Monday, November 2, 2009

The worst show on television

I was watching TV late last night, an occurrence so rare it had me bopping around channels trying to get a sense of what's on late at night on a Sunday. (If you were wondering - nothing, other than a few movies. Can you believe a 1914 Charlie Chaplin movie was playing? Actually, that was pretty cool).

I stumbled upon (as opposed to StumbleUpon-ed) a show that looked promising: Tosh.0 on Comedy Central. It's billed as "Daniel Tosh is a comedian who comments on internet blogs and new technologies." Oh hey, could be interesting, right?

What an unbelievably lame, offensive (and wildly racist) show. Essentially it features "comedian" Daniel Tosh standing around commenting on internet videos featuring people either injuring or humiliating themselves. He's like a cross between Dane Cook and that guy who hosts the World's Most Amazing Animals. So basically this guy has made a TV show about the most banal aspects of the internet.

Example: a little (presumably) Mexican boy accidentally rolls down a steep hill in his toy car and totally, and fairly brutally, wipes out. One of Tosh's gross remarks included, "That is the worst lawn I've ever seen. Obviously that boy's father doesn't take his work home with him".

Really, Comedy Central? This is the best you could do for yourselves and your 12:30 am on a Sunday slot? Were you saving test patterns for 1:30 am? If so, please move them up an hour - I'd rather watch them than this show. Thanks!

Note: I'm not going to tag or link to this post because if you want to see this travesty, please do so off my watch.