Thursday, September 24, 2009

My new blog: the 411

I'm a marketing project manager who has been working freelance for the past few years for various advertising agencies in Toronto. I've been blogging on and off for a few years for fun, but I wanted to create a blog for my professional life as well. This blog will recount my ongoing efforts to learn and grow my business.

What's going on:

PMP Certification:

Studying for the PMP Certification, concentrating on Scope Management this week. Reviewing the PMBOK Guide. Time well spent! But it's like watching paint dry...

The Canadian Marketing Association's E-Marketing course:

Class 1 (Sept 23):

Part 1: Introduction to the instructor (Michael Seaton) and the rest of the class (around 30 people). A very wide range of professions and experiences – the class assignment should be interesting. I hope I get the lady who works for the LCBO (as does everyone else in the class).

Part 2: History of the internet – basic stuff, but the stats are interesting. Apparently Canadians have nothing else do to with their lives but live on the internet. I hear that. Maybe it’s too cold in the winter to go outside? I’d like to see those numbers listed out by months: Jan – March – 99.999% leisure time spent at home on the internet! Pretty much… Things to do before next class:

Check out the following books:

- Clue Train Manifesto, Locke, Weinberger, Series, Levine

- Permission Marketing, Godin

- Call to Action, Eisenberg

- Groundswell, Li, Bernhoff

Look up Net Neutrality on Wikipedia

Look up History of the Internet on You Tube

Review Digg, Technorati,

What I'm reading now:

Six Pixels of Separation, by Mitch Joel

Very interesting so far - I like the personal anecdotes and stories.

What I'm working on:

Development for, a website for an upscale furniture designer.

I sent Rob the proposed architecture for his website. Waiting for approval so I can get Doug to proceed. Need to follow up with Rob this weekend re: acquiring assets – copy + images.