Monday, September 28, 2009

Week-end Wrap-Up for Sept 26-27

What happened this weekend… not much, but a pleasant time was had by all. Or at least by me.

I had my last class for my PMP certification training (project procurement management). It was a snap, because procurement is one of the things I’ve had a lot of experience with in my career, so it was more of a review. On the one hand, I’m glad the class is finished. On the other I’m regretting it, because now I’m going to have to study, study, study and actually take the test. For a PMI member (such as myself), the cost of the test is $405. Not cheap, so I’m going to have to make sure I pass the first time. I’m going to memorize some formulas this week and then take some of the sample exams you can find online to see how I do.

I was browsing through my various sites looking for items of interest, but the article that I found most engrossing was on of all places. Funny stuff!
5 Awesome Cases of The Internet Owning The Mainstream Media

In an excellent stroke of good luck, I received an email today telling me that my recent posting on One Degree has won me tickets to The Art of Management on October 16 at the Toronto Metro Convention Centre. So exciting – I never win anything! I’m especially looking forward to hearing Jeff Jarvis speak about Corporate Culture in the Internet Age.

In other, riveting news, I made level 60 with my warrior character playing World of Warcraft. (Please don’t judge me.)

Also, as an added note: Doug vacuumed the apartment without me asking him to. I know this is not really professionally-related, but it was such rare and wonderful occurrence, I have to broadcast it to the world (or in this case, the Internet). Good for you, Doug!