Friday, December 4, 2009

Twilight: New Moon : Because I can't resist a good mocking

I was going to blog about Twilight: New Moon when it came out, but I never got around to it. I dragged Doug (HA!) to see it with me in the theater full of teenagers, as nature intended and it was... well, it was BAD. Just... BAD.

I actually liked (ish) books #1 and #4 and I didn't totally hate the first movie. As an adult I know it's utter dreck, but the 13-year-old girl in me realizes that if this movie had come out when I was a lass, I would have had 'Edward Cullen' posters all over my room. (Also: See Lost Boys/Jason Patric).

So now, a few weeks after release, I have nothing new to say about New Moon, so I'm posting these two links to people who said it better than I ever could.

Recap of New Moon as told by LOL Cats

Absolutely hilarious SPOT-ON Review by That Guy With Glasses

By - If Twilight was 10 x shorter / 100 x more honest